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Access free download for 20 ways to develop a story

may 4, 2023

Access Free Download for 20 Ways to Develop an Idea

Beyond telling students to “add more details” to a narrative, teach them 20 different ways to develop their narratives.

Reveal examples

As you teach each strategy, reveal short excerpts or passages from picture books to show students the detail in action. Just telling them to use prepositional phrases, onomatopoeia words, comparisons, or number details isn’t enough. Students may need to see several examples of these elements in context to better understand how they can utilize them in their own writing. Students always need to see the strategy before they can successfully implement it.

While introducing one strategy at a time, consider building a wall chart for these 20 ways to add details. This would provide a constant resource and reference within the classroom environment for the next couple of months.

Student application

Give kids ample opportunity to play with these details by returning to previous writings. If students can’t insert a prepositional phrase as an afterthought, they can’t do it as an initial thought. If they can’t develop an idea using sensory details and comparisons as an afterthought, they won’t be able to do it off the cuff in a new first draft.

Gradually encourage students to apply these different development strategies in new first drafts. Remind them to add specifics and examples to ideas in order to produce long, well-developed writing.

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2 years ago

Love having all of these in one spot!

3 months ago

How can I print the Canva version?

Liz Shockey
Liz Shockey
Reply to  Maggie
3 months ago

To print the Canva version, click on the image and then hit ctrl P as it opens in a new tab. That allows you to print your screen. Or, use a Snip tool to select the open image.

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