Free resources to build stronger readers & writers

Download this week’s free resources before they expire on May 9!

Scroll to the bottom for a special deal from The Literacy Store.

Vary writing products per mode
Compare print and video texts

As students have learned how to read different types of texts throughout the year, merge these skills into a single application by comparing print and video texts. This reinforces yearlong learning while continuing to raise the rigor of tasks.

Vary writing products per mode


Revise for sentence fluency
Keep the writing momentum going even as the school year wraps up. Use writing time to target sentence-combining strategies that revisit idea development and grammar skills.
French Lick Hotel spa
CompCON: a comprehension conference for K-12 educators
Join us this summer at CompCON to receive a yearlong game plan for teaching whole-class reading comprehension.

Head into next school year with the tools & techniques you need to build stronger readers!

More Big Ideas for your classroom

Teach letter writing based on the sender purpose
Your year-end writing focus
As you plan writing instruction for the last weeks of school, avoid the temptation to do a little bit of everything. Instead, focus on skills surrounding informative writing.

Savings from The Literacy Store

Customize a PK-2 writing rubric

Scholastic News Leveled Informational Texts (Grades 3, 4, or 5)

This collection of compelling informational texts comes with a variety of comprehension questions, including multiple choice, short response, and essays.

$12.99 $10.39

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